Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Progress?? 3 Weeks Post Expnaion

I am one day away from being five weeks post-op, and Monday was three weeks post expansion. I am not seeing that bad boy getting any smaller. Please let me know if I am wrong on this conclusion! But I have to say I don't mind it too much. I'm sure it could be worse.

I went to the OD, he put a stronger wire on top and bottom. He said something about a 16, and a less flexible wire? In four weeks I will go in for the evil power chains. So I am hoping I can be gap free by mid September. It was kinda funny...I was talking w/ my doc and asking about my timeline and such. He then made a comment on how adults are different from children b/c if they don't feel pain they feel like they aren't making progress. I told him he was so right!! I want pain every day for the arm and leg I just gave up for thiswhole journey.

Besides the normal chaos of life I am doing fairly well. My energy levels are back to normal for the most part. I am still holding back a lot in the gym...but that is mostly due to me trying not to loose any more weight. I have gained about a pound since the surgery. So I am happy with that I guess. I am very ready to be able to eat again though. I just ate dinner and rediscovered the difference in pain from surgery and from adjustments. So I will be back on spagettios and ice cream for the rest of the week.

The RPE is being it usual hellish self. I will never adjust to it..and I will never speak normally with it in my mouth. I really want to keep in when it finally gets taken out...I have a few more months to decide what I am going to do to the torturous device. Hopefully I will have more progress next week!

21 Aug 5 Aug

Side view Getting Up Close and Personal!

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