Monday, October 16, 2006

Countdown to RPE Removal

I had the greatest news today. Due to a work conflict I had to re-schedule my appointments for my RPE removal...luck for me they are doing it a week earlier! So my new date to take the RPE out is 2 November!! I can't wait I will be RPE free in two weeks. This is the day I have been waiting for since the end of May. So to say the least I am super excited.

Besides the removal of my RPE my gap has been closing slowly, but definetely making progress. Everyone is starting to really notice that the gap is almost closed. So I am finally starting to feel more human again. I have been invited to a Halloween Party, so I am contemplating dressing up as a school girl..a nerdy one with glasses and braces. :)

Well here is a pic I took this evening. As everyone can tell my gap is really making a lot of progress! But please feel free to keep encouraging those little guys.

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