Tuesday, January 09, 2007

~*~*9 Feb 2007~*~*

Well my surgery date has been set. I will be going in on 9 Feb for a Lefort I and BSSO. I spoke w/ my OS last week and he disagreed with my OD thinking that I needed more expansion. So I will be going through what my OS originally told me I would possibly need. It has been a lot of back and forth on whether I will need the second surgery, but my OD finally felt that there wasn't much more he could do w/out some surgical adjustments. I am pretty excited at this point. I am hoping that w/ the second surgery I may be out of braces by next fall. But I guess only time will tell.

On Monday I went in for an adjustment...and for the first time I decided to go w/ colored ligs. My boss probably won't be too thrilled, but I just got bored w/ gray. So I will be in purple for the time being!! I go back in about two weeks for my surgical hooks, so I guess I can always go back to boring then. I'm not really nervous about surgical hooks b/c I've seen what they look like...not to bad.

Well here are some pics from after my adjustment. I don't know if the wire "stepping" is noticeable in the pic; but my OD did some bending to the wire. Apparently it allows him to do some fine tuning. I thought it was cool. I just like the sound of them being to the point where they even use the word fine tuning. :)

After talking w/ my OS I have some what of an idea of what movements he his trying to achieve. He is going to bring my mandible forward about 3-4 mm to get rid of my over-jet. He will then do some left-right adjustments. My midline is quite noticably...well not in line. So between the upper and lower adjustments from side to side hopefully we will get it pretty close. The Lefort I is going to bring the front of my maxilla down, while on the other hand he will take the entire maxilla and bring it up about 1 mm. So the entire thing will be moved upward, but the front will have a slight forward tilt. This will hopefully close my open bite and help my lower portion of my face look more proportional. I believe the wording was creating the "text book" face.

So I have one month to prepare myself. I'm actually pretty excited; as much as surgery isn't fun...I do enjoy the 3-4 weeks off from work. :) Well I will post more pics as I see changes. I will definetely post pics of the surgical hooks.


Graham said...

Wow!! Feb 9th is so soon! It's gonna be you, Steph, and Amy all going in close together if I remember correctly. Seems to make sense what your OS said, I can see how this will improve things. I can't wait to see your story develop! And good choice on the ligators. I'm tempted to ask for a coloured power chain next time myself.

Team Wolder said...

That's great news that you are able to have your 2nd surgery so soon. My advice would be to enjoy all of your favorite foods as the recovery can be quite long. I am now just under 4 months post op and have yet to eat a piece of bread. It may help to gain a few pounds as it is easy to loose 10-15 pounds the first few weeks after surgery. From your posts, you seem like a really quick healer, so I'm confident you will do great!

Best Wishes,

Brandyleigh35 said...

OMG Jenn,
That is so soon and so much work! YIKES! I'm jealous that you are able to get it done so fast! Kelsie just had the same surgery pretty much and she is doing well, I would definitely take her advice though about trying to gain a few pounds, especially since you are prone to weight loss also.

I just can't get over how soon it is, but totally understand, given the circumstances Glad you feel confident with your doctors and that he is working with a civillian doc too!

Sorry I can't help you out with the blog, but hey, now I will have a blog to read so I can be prepared! I bet your sister and mom are just freaking out that you are going to do all of this eh? Are you getting nervous at all?

Looks like Graham is going to end up being the last one of us to have surgery, but he and I could be really close as I won't be going til May 23ish. I must say it is sortof comforting, in a disturbing sort of way, that so many of us are having different variations of this surgery done.

Keep us posted! I will definitely be following your progress closely! and I expect daily updates ok? LOL ;)

Brandyleigh35 said...

Hey I just checked the dates. Amy is Jan 31st, and I think you and Steph have your surgery the same day!


Anonymous said...

Hey Jenn, I just linked to your blog from mine. Hope you don't mind. Good luck with surgery!

Mrs. Shanton said...

Good luck, Jenn! I'll think of you as...I...go...out.

Mrs. Shanton said...

Good luck tomorrow!