Saturday, July 29, 2006

Day Six Expansion (10 Days Post Op)

I spoke with my OS yesturday and he and my Ortho agree that I need more expansion. So I will continue to expand until Monday morning @ 3x/day. Here are more pictures!!

Friday AM 5 mm Friday PM 5.75 mm Friday PM

Sat AM 6mm Sat AM Face (Swelling and Brusing almost unnoticable)

1 comment:

Graham said...

Quite a noticable difference already!
You're lucky to have braces on already too (I didn't have mine till I got the RPE out), so when you have to walk around with the gap for a while at least it *looks* like something is being done to fix it, and plus it will close faster with the braces as well. I think your results are going to be awesome! ...Oh, a joke I liked to use was that I was going to be the next poster boy for The Gap. Feel free to use it royalty-free! :)